Choose your package.
We also offer a fully customizable training plan, pre recorded or live.
Essential Package
6 hours of training | 8 Courses
Our base package. Includes the following courses:
Evolution of Healthcare in the United States
Why does the United States spend so much on Healthcare?
Racial and Economic Disparities in Healthcare
The Employer Sponsored Health Insurance Market
Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage
Medicaid, the Individual market and the Uninsured
Healthcare Buyer Landscape
Healthcare Competitive Landscape
Advanced Package
12 hours of training | 15 Courses
Includes all courses in the essential package, plus:
Generational Shifts
Medical Insurance
Dental Insurance
Pharmacy Insurance
The Healthcare Delivery System
How Do We Pay for Healthcare?
How do Healthcare Companies Make Money?
Complete Package
18 hours of training | 20 Courses
Includes all courses in the Advanced Package, plus:
How Healthcare Companies Obtain Market Insights?
How to Create Healthcare Business Intelligence?
How to Articulate Healthcare Marketing Strategy: Part One
How to Articulate Healthcare Marketing Strategy: Part Two
How to Articulate Healthcare Marketing Strategy: Part Three